School-based solutions for pornography and social media risks
What is it?
DigiHelp is a series of school-based programs helping students to navigate the online world. Designed for ages 10-16, DigiHelp provides powerful solutions to the negative effects of pornography and social media.
DigiHelp is a school-based program addressing sexualised media (pornography), self-promoting social media, identity, consent and respectful relationships.
6-year program
DigiHelp is a 6-year program covering 5th-10th grades in Australia, USA and UK. This corresponds with Stages 3, 4 and 5 in Australia. It is equally relevant for females and males.
Multi-disciplined program
DigiHelp is a multi-disciplined program that aligns with many international curricula including:
- HPE (Australia) and PDHPE (NSW)
- Sex Education and Information Technology (USA)
- HPE (NZ)
- Relationship, Sex and Health Education (UK).
Urgent topics
DigiHelp addresses urgent topics like:
- how sexualised media influences individuals, society and relationships
- self-promoting social media behaviours
- how to reduce the negative effects of pornography exposure
- the law and online behaviours
- respectful and consensual relationships.
Empowers parents
DigiHelp supports parents to:
- engage and influence their child through weekly home activities
- enhance their influence on adolescent attitudes and behaviours
- maintain control over their child’s online influences.
Equips peers
DigiHelp engages and challenges peers to:
- think critically about their culture through weekly discussion groups
- positively harness their power over behaviour and attitudes
- be counter-cultural, resisting broader peer pressures amongst their friends
- be socially responsible
- own their future
- develop safe-guards and awareness before exposed to risk.
DigiHelp is evidence-based, with a methodology derived from PhD research. Results include:
- changed views on porn and sexting
- reduced objectification of women
- reduced desire to sexually act out
- increased efforts to stop viewing porn
- engaged conscience and heart
- no increase in negative behaviours, including seeking out porn.
Constantly updated
Since DigiHelp is subscription based, schools are always accessing latest content and supplementary resources. Online delivery makes it accessible anywhere.
How DigiHelp works
DigiHelp is a series of programs for ages 10-16. The programs are separated into three stages: Stage 3 (grades 5-6), Stage 4 (grades 7-8), and Stage 5 (grades 9-10).
Each Stage has two strands: Strand A focusses on Sexualised Media and Social Media Behaviours and Strand B addresses Friendship, Online Relationships, Consent and Respect, and Online Ethics.
DigiHelp uses an evidence-based methodology, using three strategies:
- didactic education
- peer-to-peer engagement
- parental engagement.
It is the fusion of these strategies that produce positive behaviour and attitude change.
Each lesson involves engaging activities and learning content, critical-thinking peer discussion groups, and at-home parental activities.
DigiHelp is subscription-based, meaning all resources are accessed online. Pricing is based on the number of students being taught. Multiple teachers working together in the one school can share the same subscription. DigiHelp is available through calendar year subscription. Lesson content, including lesson PowerPoint and multimedia links, are provided based on the school’s subscription level. Student workbooks are printed out by the school.
Stages 3B is the last to be released and available late 2024.

Click here to download the Teacher's Sample Pack and the Scope and Sequence for 3A, 4A, 4B, 4A, and 5B.